Puskás Constellations, 201165x155 cm, acrylic on canvas© Regős istván

Puskás Constellations, 2011
65x155 cm, acrylic on canvas
© Regős istván

The Memory of F. Puskás, the Football Legend, 201055x150 cm, acrylic on canvas© Regős istván

The Memory of F. Puskás, the Football Legend, 2010
55x150 cm, acrylic on canvas
© Regős istván

Race - Rush On Ice, 201040x130 cm, acrylic on canvas© Regős István

Race - Rush On Ice, 2010
40x130 cm, acrylic on canvas
© Regős István

Race - Rush On Ice, 2010
40x130 cm, acrylic on canvas

site design: Benedek Regős

© István Regős 2015-2023